Even the most well-read intellectuals or the most highly qualified and experienced scientists are incapable of even imagining . At last, we reach the 10th Dimension. Whether or not the universe is five-dimensional is a topic of debate. You have to smoke some serious dope to believe in any of that. . There are liver, heart, brain, and blood cell "entities.". Adding time and space and combining these 5 basic unit dimensions with each other leads to 11 dimensions of the Universe. Harmonic Universe-4 (also called Density-4 Time Cycle) It is unusually large, big enough to allow several generations of stars to be born and die and, in doing so, give birth to all the atoms of which we are . Depth can be briefly named as "Oneness", Advaita. Time is common and invariant in all dimensions. String theorists claim that the universe has many dimensions: 10, 11, or 26, but that all but the four are curled up so small that we can't detect them. They found that at the moment of the Big Bang, the universe had ten dimensions, but only three of these spatial dimensions expanded. The Big Bang came from the 7th dimension. Infinite Possibilities. The fifth dimension has two definitions: the first is that it's a name of a 1969 pop-vocal group. It suggested that there was 10 dimensions plus time. A five-dimensional space is a space with five dimensions.In mathematics, a sequence of N numbers can represent a location in an N-dimensional space.If interpreted physically, that is one more than the usual three spatial dimensions and the fourth dimension of time used in relativistic physics. Universes in a Multiverse share common laws of physics, and systems of logic, but differ in initial starting conditions upon being formed, and thus have entirely different timelines. It's like the Universe will be turning up the velocity on your inner juicer and turning your dense heavy substances (thought feelings) removing the pulp, keeping the essential nutrients, and giving you a more enlightened experience . Containing Dimensions. The 4th and 5th dimensions are like receiving a major upgrade in your operating software and DNA hardware. A prime hypothesis of Physics in 5 Dimensions states: The origin of all matter is electro-magnetic- radiation (emr) in the form of many matter waves of different wavelength producing groups of waves with particle-like-nature of mass m and energy E as described by de Broglie 54 in 1929. The Universe is so big because it is constantly expanding, and it does so at a speed that even exceeds the speed of light. I'm just saying But if you look at the ball from above, it looks like a sphere. Dark Matter is in the 4th and 5th dimensions. Scale of Universe is an interactive experience to inspire people to learn about the vast ranges of the visible and invisible world. Time. The dimensions that govern our reality are each there for a specific purpose, to establish order and avoid chaos. The fifth dimension is a micro-dimension which is accepted in physics and mathematics. Harmonic Universe-5 (also called Density-5 Time Cycle) Dimensions 13, 14 & 15 (also known as the 3 Primal Light Fields) Ante-Matter, which is thermo-plasmic light . 4. The following are the various combinations: 6.Length and breadth combined with time. The Eighth Dimension ~ Group Souls (Oceans of Light) A Group Soul is a collection of entities that work together as one unit. What you can observe, and probably what most astronauts depict for us in diagrams is the shadow of the 4-dimensional object. Jesus, the Son of God, created all things. Some posit a universe composed of 11 space . Let's break the long answer down into smaller pieces. Yes, there is a fourth dimension as part of Einstein's Theory of Relativity but the fourth dimension is not spatial. 4 physical and 5 non physical. This value might be as high as . Our Galaxy is far from average. Then, after much thought, she tries to think of ways to . It's here to have a nice and seamless tie between gravity and . M-theory actually suggests there are 11 dimensions to space time . In fact, the theoretical framework of superstring theory posits that the universe exists in 10 different . Bosonic string theory suggest 26 dimensions. The 1st, 4th, and 7th Dimensions are all represented by a line. That's not what I'm talking about here. The universe (Latin: universus) is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy.The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological description of the development of the universe. In other words, when you are happy, quiet, mindful, observing, and at ease, you ARE IN THE 5 TH DIMENSION.. In science and . The use of the word "dimension" to describe alternate worlds in fiction is something of a misnomer; it would probably be more accurate to describe them as alternate universes. Long before Einstein's General Relativity or Michio Kaku's String Theory came along, the Bible informed us that in this universe, multiple dimensions do exist. This dimension is the realm of the mineral kingdom and is the slowest in terms of vibratory rate. Einstein's general theory of relativity defines the 4th dimension as time and another 5th dimension yet to be discovered. According to this theory, space and time emerged together 13.787 0.020 billion years ago, and the universe has been expanding ever since the . Scientists now believe that the big bang occured as a memebrane of a higher dimension parallel universe collided with another for the formation . De Broglie predicted the phenomena of superimposition of many sinusoidal matter waves (seven in the previous . The 5th dimension remains in debate, but many believe it could represent an undefined or unknown dimension in space that is unknowable to humans. There are 9 dimensions in total. It has three dimensions - length, width, and time. As far as applications to our entire Universe, however, and specifically to a framework where we have to have at least 10 dimensions total (as required by String Theory), we run into a significant . Answer (1 of 5): Most of us thinks generally there are 3 dimensions Only, but there are at least 10 Dimensions in the Universe. Dimensions are tools used to create a Universe. 10. The real tesseract in 4-dimension would have all the lines in equal length and all the angles being right angles. What This All Means: A Little TL;DR. The universe has a mass of approximately 1.5 x 10^53 kg. Universes, unlike all Archverses after them, aren't made out of other verses, but instead, cosmic structures, elementary particles, and just . Rishi, or Higher Self. The Universe is a cosmic building block of the Multiverse and Omniverse. First, consider a ball rolling down a hill. A fourth dimension, time, is widely accepted. The 5 th Dimension is not a place, or destination, or an immediate change in your outer world, it is simply a state of "being". No one knows what a 4th dimensions is, let alone 11. In short, the three-dimensional space that we live in could have formed from ten . 3.Depth. This mass was estimated by the density of matter and the size of the observable universe. The second, posited by Swedish physicist Oskar Klein, is that it is a dimension unseen by humans where the forces of gravity and electromagnetism unite to create a simple but graceful theory of the fundamental forces. Answer (1 of 11): There are 3 dimensions that we can experience. Thus, dimensions are separated by frequencies, while the universe is the sum of all dimensions. Kaluza and Klein's five-dimensional theory was dealt a serious blow by the discovery of two more fundamental forces that operated in the realm of the atomic nucleus: the strong and weak nuclear forces.. 2nd, 5th, and 8th expand upon the dimensions before them by turning that line into a plane. There are Twelve Dimensions in our Universe + one that connects to all other Universes known as the Cosmic Wound. It will appear as two cubes, one nesting the other and the cubes connected by lines. Time is there to make sure everything doesn't happen at the same time. Contents 1 Turtle Prime 2 Two-Dimensional Earth 3 Third Earth 4 Earth 7 5 Dimension X Turtle Prime The dimension of the Mirage universe . 5.Space. What Is the 5th Dimension? But there are 10 basic dimensions listed . Throughout this entire process, the addition of each dimension has followed a pattern. Opp is it ? Time, space, space-time those are just words used by people who think they are really smart. Beyond these three visible dimensions, scientists believe that there may be many more. While I was spiritually awakening, I watched and read A LOT about the Earth (and her inhabitants) spiritually awakening to ascend to the 5th Dimension. ( In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The First Dimension ~ Atoms, Molecules and the Mineral World . To illustrate, imagine that every cell in your body is a conscious entity. But the idea that extra dimensions explain forces was revived half a century later by proponents of 'string theory', which views the fundamental building blocks of the Universe not as . Join our Discord Server as well as our Facebook Page to follow development and get . The universe may be big, but shrink our Galaxy to the size of the full-stop at the end of this sentence and the universe would just about fill your living room. However, once she derives the equation for how their light moves through space, she finds that it is best expressed in four dimensions. Type of Matter or Biology ("Reality" System) Identity of Being. The Mathematical Proof . Explore the sizes of about 300 different objects, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest galaxies and beyond. According to Kabbalah, creation is composed of five major categories of consciousness, called worlds or universes .1. The 3 dimensions of Space are there so that everything doesn't happen in the same place. The First Dimension is the consciousness of Gaia's physical prime atom. The 3rd dimension is only one of 4 physical dimensions. This universe ends at the 6th dimension in a Big Bang. There are two ways to think about this. In this amount of time, with speed greater than the speed of light, the Universe gradually grew, and it still expands even to this day. Back in 2012, a team of three Japanese scientists developed a computer model of the universe's birth based on superstring theory. Everyone knows of the 4 dimensions of space. Each is unique and has a function, yet they are one body. String theory states there must be at least 10 dimensions of space plus one dimension for time, but there are physicists who argue that there are more. 7.Length and breadth combined with space. Space itself is actually growing, and this is going on for around 14 billion years or so.